对我自己而言,完善的第三方开发群体例如XDA是直接影响到使用体验的。因此, 我应该
选择品牌时只看Xiaomi和OnePlus,因为这两个品牌在国内销量大,二手市场价 格便宜。而且他们使用高通芯片,利于第三方开发。
- 三星:不使用高通芯片
- 联想,摩托:国内销量小,二手机器难找。找到了价格也虚高。
- 谷歌:国内没法用。单卡和eSIM。
- 诺基亚:国内不卖。
- Xiaomi Poco:国内不卖。
访问对应品牌的XDA页面,例如Xiaomi OnePlus,确认每个型号的发帖数量。大于30k发帖 的、不老于6年以上(newer than inclusive 2019)的型号可以考虑。作为对比,当前 :
Model | Comments | Release |
OnePlus 6 (for ref) | 146k | May 2018 |
Redmi Note 10 Pro | 31k | March 2021 |
Redmi K40 | 47k | March 2021 |
OnePlus 9 Pro | 51k | March 2021 |
OnePlus 8T | 34k | Oct 2020 |
再访问每个机型的Development版块:因为上面的统计包含非Dev内容,真正的 Dev内容可能很少。
Model | Comments | Dev |
OnePlus 6 (for ref) | 146k | 3 pages |
Redmi Note 10 Pro | 31k | 6 pages |
Redmi K40 | 47k | 6 pages |
OnePlus 9 Pro | 51k | 5 pages |
OnePlus 8T | 34k | 5 pages |
小米机器解锁BL需要Windows和小米账号,需要回答问题。不方便。 直接买 小米解锁机 。
I also installed the Xiaomi Community App, changed the Region to Global in Order to see the option "Unlock Bootloader" in the "ME" Menu. I am logged in with an account that has been used for more than 30 days (I had a Poco F1 before for several years and used that Xiaomi account as well with it before), but every time i click on the "apply for unlock" option, it tells me "application quota limit reached, please wait until xxx time and try again" This already happened 2 times. The first time it said i shall try again on the 14.01.2025 0:00 European Time, so i did that and pressed on the apply button again, only for it to tell me that i shall now wait until the 15.01.2025 0:00 European Time.
Redmi Note 10 Pro的XDA论坛上只有国际版高通版本的。咸鱼上是国内MTK的, 还有虚焊通病,随时变砖。
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